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Then & Now
A day in Ashram


Ashanti amidst Prosperity

As Bhagawan puts it, while countless beings have lived on this planet since creation, man is the crown of the animal kingdom; he is the summit of all living beings. It is only man that can investigate his own self and realise the divinity, which is his reality. This is why birth as a human being is considered a rare gift.

We are, however sadly witness to a strange paradox in the world around us. By harnessing science and technology and through the exploitation of the elements, man has been able to reach great heights of material prosperity. He has even succeeded in voyaging to the moon! And yet, peace and hapiness have eluded him. Instead, there is disstisfaction and disquiet, differences within families and conflict between different section of society, peoples and nations based on caste, creed, religion, language, idelogy etc. As Baba puts it, nations are even waging wars in the name of peace!

What is the way out?

It is in this disturbing scenario that Baba's message of Educare becomes wholly relevant, for it is only through individual transformation that societal change can be brought about.

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